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2019 annual meeting and 15th anniversary celebration
upload time:2019-01-18

at the beginning of 2019, on the afternoon of january 12th, guangzhou shincci energy equipment co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ‘shincci energy’) joined hands to attend 2019 annual meeting
and 15th anniversary celebration held in hj grand hotel huadu, guangzhou.

the hall is full of friends and guests. more than 500 people from shincci energy, new and old customers, partners and elites from different area gathered together to witness the 15th anniversary of
shincci energy.

the big screen broadcasts the special video of the shincci annual meeting, feels like we in a shuttle of time to travel through all the 15 years journey of shincci, catching up with the past and moving the hearts of shinnci people. looking through the story of growth and development, each step was not easy to take. for more than ten years, from the beginning of establishment to present day, the development direction of shincci has always run through from initial heart, innovation.

at 5 pm, when the host announced the start of the annual meeting, mr. shi zengkuang, the general manager of the company, delivered a speech. in the past fifteen years, under the care and support of local governments and customers, suppliers and partners, through the hard work and unremitting efforts of all employees, shincci has made great progress and has undergone tremendous changes. the small trading company gradually developed into the largest low-temperature evaporation production enterprise in china, and its output value increased from 500,000 yuan 15 years ago to 600 million yuan in 2018. in 2019, the company expects to achieve sales revenue of 1 billion yuan.

mr. shi zengkuang said that in the past fifteen years, we have always regarded technological progress as the core work of the company. in the early days of the company, we mainly relied on small boiler sales and installation services. in order to cultivate leading products with independent technology, in 2004, shincci took dehumidification heat pump drying as a breakthrough, and actively improve the advantages of the closed drying system, through continuous improvement and innovation, dehumidification heat pump products have achieved a major upgrade from "double effect" to "multi-effect” heat present, the company's products have been developed from single dehumidification heat pump dryer, swimming pool dehumidification heat pump to low temperature sludge dryer, low temperature spray dryer, heat pump concentrator and other series of hundreds of low temperature evaporation products, greatly improving the market and competitiveness of company.

in 2018, we applied for more than 60 patents, and we have accumulated more than 100 patents so far. most of the low-temperature evaporation technology patents at domestic and abroad are in the company. it is precisely because shincci energy has consistently promoted technological progress and accelerated technological innovation, which has enabled the company to continuously maintain its leading technological advantages and become a national high-tech enterprise and an innovative brand which creates low-temperature evaporation.speaking of future planning, mr. shi zengkuang said that shincci will continue be grounded on the r&d and production of high value-added low-temperature evaporation technology, accelerate the cultivation of high-efficiency teams, continuously enhance the ability of independent innovation, actively promote the construction of information technology, and comprehensively improve the service level. become a world-renowned manufacturer of low temperature evaporation. the strategic objectives of the company's development in the next five years:   -sales revenue. by 2023, the company's sales target will strive to reach 5 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate more than 50%.   -product structure. by 2021, a series of production development patterns with low-temperature evaporation products as the main body, low-temperature sludge dryer, low-temperature spray dryer, low-temperature concentration, dehumidification heat pump dryer, solid waste treatment and disposal, and preliminary formation of low-temperature evaporation products are formed. the serialized supply capacity ensures that the company's leading product technology has always maintained the international advanced level.- technical upgrading. by 2020, the company will invest nearly 300 million yuan for technical upgrading, modern manufacturing base and headquarters r&d base, and strive to build the most advanced low-temperature evaporation manufacturing base in china.   -human resources. by 2022, the company's total number of employees will reach 1,000, and more than 60% of those with college education or above.

in past 15 years, shincci has been tirelessly driven by technological innovation, and the first-class quality has won many users. with the continuous improvement of technology and manufacturing processes, more and more partners and shincci have achieved win-win. not only  develop the domestic market, the company is also looking at the world, decisively grasping the new opportunities of global solid waste disposal, and deepening the international field with core technology.‘i am honored to be a witness to participate in this important event. as we all know, in past ten years of entrepreneurial innovation, shincci low-temperature evaporation technology has been widely used in various fields of industry’. hanmee entec as a supplier of hbr sewage deodorization equipment, has been to other countries, ‘we are looking for a supporting technology for sludge drying and treatment. before, we were introduced american technology, but the actual disposal effect can be said to be a failure. now, we have found success in china!". mr. lim tonghe, the president of hanmee entec, sharing his thoughts about the low-temperature drying of shincci.                

 he said that last year he led the team to china to investigate the equipment structure and dehumidification efficiency of the low-temperature sludge dryer, and was welcomed by shincci. later, in the field evaluation of the project, he was more impressed by the energy efficiency ratio of the low-temperature drying equipment and the professional quality of the technical team.‘shincci’s low-temperature evaporation condensation technology has long been known in the chinese industry, and it is a brand-new business in south korea. the future market is a blue ocean. hs drying technology co., ltd. is the result of mutual recognition and mutual trust between the two companies. the sludge treatment project under the jurisdiction of hanmee and the shincci low-temperature drying technology will be linked to promote the sludge disposal to a new level."      

in the past fifteen years, shincci people have been working hard to gather strength. at the annual awards ceremony, the company considered the staff's contribution to company, work ability, work attitude, etc., and selected 2 outstanding management cadres in 2018, 3 outstanding commissioners, 5 excellent team leaders, and excellent 22 employees in recognition of their outstanding contributions.the wisdom of the individual is a drop of water, the power of the collective is the water of the long river. by the connection between work and the cultural activities of the company, shincci people’s heart is ‘banged to a rope’, breaking the barriers and enhancing the cooperation between the departments.

in the "fun sports games" held in the botang factory on the morning of january 12, in a series of cultural and sports activities such as throwing sandbags, no falling forests, ball run miles, tug-of-war, sugar painting folk customs, while shincci people showed their personal qualities , the team spirit also fully played!            

in the past fifteen years, in the process of enterprise development, shincci people have promoted each other, forming a common corporate value, the determination and courage to dare to try and meet the difficulties. there are team characteristics and working atmosphere that care, support, share and advance. looking forward to the bright future, all the people are full of confidence and strength to the business landscape is rapidly expanding, the shincci team is also growing year by year. the employees are working hard, and the company is also using the biggest prize to reward everyone who is committed to the company's development.


a feast for the annual meeting, an enjoyable show was also on going. the wonderful programs and professional performances of the company’s staff, gathered together into a magnificent show feast.

the beautiful singer sings "don't forget the original heart" "getting better and better", the rhythm flows through people's hearts and inspiring. poetry readings, essays, magic, acrobatics, street dance, tea-picking, ballet on the shoulder show, all won the applause from the guests. karaoke time, the three ‘singing champion’ from the shincci singing competition, sang "friends", pay tribute to colleagues and partners who have always adhered to the development of company, and expressed their deep friendship with each other!  

the lottery session has always been the "key event" of annual meeting. at this annual meeting, shincci prepared more than 300,000 cash in-kind prizes for all employees and all guests: toplife huawei mate 20x mobile phone, skyworth 55-inch flat-panel tv, honor v10 mobile phone, philips electric toothbrushes, electric hot pots, delmar vacuum cleaners, etc., all the prizes are very practical. everyone is staring at the big screen scrolling list, waiting for a round and a round of lucky winners to be announced.    

in this evening, the surprises continued, and more than 260 people had won the lucky prizes. the chance of winning a lottery more than 50% was to push the atmosphere of the annual meeting to the top. the whole party was full of joy, and laughter made the warmth of all the audience’s hearts unforgettable.    

 with laughing we into the new year, fighting, we are grateful to share with you and witness the unforgettable process of 15 years of shincci’s development.tomorrow, we are still climbers, with dreams, go higher and go further.looking ahead to 2019, it is another brand new journey.

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