sludge drying technology-凯发体育网址

asia's famous magazine asianwater interviewed shincci
upload time:2018-07-06

guangzhou shincci energy equipment co., ltd (shincci) is an innovator of the energy-efficient low temperature sludge dryer, which works on the principle of dehumidification heat pump.


    an eco-friendly system, the process allows direct reduction of moisture in the sludge from 83% to 30-10%. this equipment is extensively applied in municipal and industrial sludge drying."shincci is proud of providing a sludge treatment solution that is capable of removing 5kgs of water out of wet sludge with only 1kwh electricity, which is twice that of industrial standard. we are always innovating as our focus is on improving the performance on our equipment resulting in better service to our clients” said mr zhang.  

asianwater writer with mr samson zhang, overseas marketing director of guangzhou shincci energy equipment co., ltd      


shincci already have important business partners and potential clients in overseas markets and they will make their presence at the singapore international water week 2018 (siww) on july 9-11 to promote the company and product in the asean market.


   he said compared to those abroad, the asean market is more interested in high performance equipment and trust the shincci sludge treatment solution can meet the demand."the asean market is giving importance to sludge treatment. they are looking for equipment that is eco-friendly." added mr zhang.


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